Ânfora 500ml
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained from olives of the varieties Madural, Cobrançosa and Verdeal Transmontana, by rigorous selection of fruits. You get an olive oil full of aromas and flavors.
On the nose it has aromas of sliced cabbage, fresh grass, tomato branch, green apple and dried fruit. In the mouth a medium bitter, a late spicy, and an intense green fruity.
Maximum acidity: 0.3%
For better preservation of the characteristics of this olive oil, it is recommended to keep it in a cool place, protected from light.
The extraction is done cold, not exceeding 27ºC.
Oval 250ml
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained from olives of the varieties Madural, Cobrançosa and Verdeal Transmontana, with notes of olive leaf, green apple, green banana, green tomato and dried fruits. In the mouth the sweet predominates, with a slight bitterness and mild spicy.
Maximum acidity: 0.3%
For better preservation of the characteristics of this olive oil, it is recommended to be conserved in a cool place and protected from light.
The extraction is done cold, not exceeding 27ºC.
Bio 500ml
Extra virgin olive oil obtained from olives of the varieties Madural, Cobrançosa and Verdeal Transmontana produced in organic production mode, with herbal notes of fresh grass, green tomatoes and fresh fruits. In the mouth has a slight bitter and spicy with a soft fruity.
Maximum acidity: 0.3%
For better preservation of the characteristics of this olive oil, it is recommended to keep it in a cool place, protected from light.
The extraction is done cold, not exceeding 27ºC.
Gold 500ml
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained from olives of the varieties Madural, Cobrançosa and Verdeal Transmontana, with fresh notes, reminiscent of fresh herb, apple, tomato branch and dried fruit aromas. In the mouth it has a slight sweet entrance, slightly bitter and medium spicy late, very harmonious with a medium-intense fruity.
Maximum acidity: 0.3%
For better preservation of the characteristics of this olive oil, it is recommended to keep it in a cool place, protected from light.
The extraction is done cold, not exceeding 27ºC.
Madural 500ml
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained from olives of the Madural variety, with light sensations of fresh grass, apple and dried fruits.In the mouth, it has a sweet, slightly bitter and spicy aftertaste.
Maximum acidity: 0.3%
For better preservation of the characteristics of this olive oil, it is recommended to be conserved in a cool place and protected from light.
The extraction is done cold, not exceeding 27ºC.
Cobrançosa 500ml
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, obtained from olives of the Cobrançosa Transmontana variety, with fresh herbaceous sensations, sliced cabbage, herb, tomato branch, olive leaf and dried fruits.In the mouth it presents a very smooth sweet entry, medium bitter and spicy, strong and persistent with an intense green fruity.
Maximum acidity: 0.3%
For better preservation of the characteristics of this olive oil, it is recommended to be conserved in a cool place and protected from light.
The extraction is done cold, not exceeding 27ºC.
TASTING PACK 3 x 100ml
Intense Green: Olive oil with very fresh aromas of green fruits and herbaceous sensations presenting in the mouth with intense sensations of bitter and spicy.
Medium Green: Olive oil with fresh and balanced aromas of green fruits and herbaceous sensations presenting in the mouth with medium sensations of sweet, bitter and spicy.
Smooth Green: Olive oil with aromas of ripe fruits and light herbaceous sensations, sweet in the mouth, with a slight bitter and spicy taste.
3X 100ml
Olive oil-based condiment obtained by contact with fruit or plants when the olives are crushed, thus obtaining an extraordinarily fresh, fruity and sweet flavor.
SALAD PACK: Basil, Thyme Lemon, Tomato
Ideal to accompany green leafy salads, pasta, pizza, cheese, risotto or simply to taste with bread.
CITRUS PACK: Lemon Tangerine and Orange
Ideal for seasoning a salad, accompanying meats such as chicken, pork or duck, white fish and some desserts or simply tasting with bread.
SWEET PACK: Cinnamon, Orange and Coffee
Ideal for desserts, chocolate mousse, ice cream, a delicious orange cake with a drizzle of cinnamon oil.
These products have flavors that help reduce the use of spices such as salt and pepper, thus allowing better control of blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.